Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Woe to the wicked Christians - April 19, 2009

Prophecy #1: Woe to the wicked Christians April 19 2009 5:20 am Woe to those who call themselves Christians. They boast in My Name but they reject My words. They recite from scripture but their deeds reflect their wickedness of heart. I will render to them according to their deeds. Their wickedness and unrepentant heart has procured for them a treasure of woe and regret. They will cry out when it is too late. Their arrogance has caused them to stray from Me. Woe to them who led their children to wickedness and worldly lust. It were better for them if they were drowned in the bottom of the see before leading their children astray. Horror upon those who let My babies grow up without knowing Me. Judgment is on you. Darkness, desolation and horror on those who were supposed to be light carriersbut became lovers of darkness. I will reward you for the wickedness you performed under the guise of My Name. You will receive a double portion of My wrath. You will run but not hide. I sent my messengers to you from near and far. You mocked and scoffed and rejected them. I have rejected you. When I called you mocked. You will cry too late. You exalted yourself and boasted in your achievements. You exalted man and glorified the flesh. Your preachers and your teachers became your gods. You will flee with them in whom you trusted. My words you did not keep. You listened to men and women speaking their own perverted thoughts. You hung on their lips but you would not bow your knee to Me. Woe to you. Your pleasures and your peace have disappeared. You would not take council from Me but you ran after your worldly councilors and psychologists. You loved those who approved of your sin and wickedness. You gave them honor and exalted them but you turned your back to Me. Your joy has turned to bitter anguish. You will perish with your wicked soothsayers. You chose against me and My words, yet you knew My will. Your Bibles that you treasure will witness against you that you hated Me. Your evil works will follow you. They testify against you. Your teachings and meetings did you no good. You would not bow your knee to Me nor obey Me. Your own wickedness is on your head. Woe to you, perverted flock who call yourself Christians. You never followed Christ, but your own lusts. Woe unto you who would not do the truth you treasured and would not serve the Lord that you proclaim. Woe unto you.

Prophecy #2: The King is Coming. April 19 2009 6am I lay blame on those who call themselves Christians, who knew the truth but refused to do it. They confessed My name and believed in Me. They knew My righteous judgments over sin, yet they did not only approve of it but also they do it. They have no salt in them, they are worthless. Their light is darkness They supported the work of darkness and paid those who preached lies and tolerance to that which I hate. They glorified preachers and teachers but scorned Me and My servants. They are now separated from My sheep I will judge and not relent. My small flock will enter my rest.

1 comment:

  1. I am happy tp hear you speak about howterrible the Christians and Catholics have treated the poor and sick and spending their time in the church partying and having functions and living a lavish lifestyle. While they do not care about the poor sick people and children or help any one but their own greedyattitudes.

    The churches priests and thier followers do not bring holy commmunion the body of Christ to sick and suffering people for years. The sick people who once gave them money and helped them to prosper they have abandoned them and left them to stay without communion that is NOT FAIR, to take away the body of Christ from the sick people and families .
    The body of Christ belongs to the Lord Jesus
    Christ and His Father God it does not belong to the priests and his followers and the church.

    The sick people write and ring and asked the priest to bring communion of Holy days and so he not doing this or getting this so called ministers to give communion. The priest leaves distress on sick people - woe to the priests and churches and their followers , thus says the Lord He will come like a thief in the night and destory the churches that have persecuted the sick and poor people the widow, and the fatherless. Woe, thus says the Lord, I will bring upon the churches my wrath and put them to shame for my glory and for the glory of my Son Jesus Christ.

    Yes, just like your dream you had, but this is real life our experiences with the poor and appalling conduct of Christians and the catholics churches and cardinal in Sydney Australia. They not caring to tell the priest to bring communuion or did this priest or cardinal send eucharist minister to provide holy communion.

    But the prist and church are hypocrites everyone now gives up religion no one wants to a catholic or a christian: its not about being a catholic or a christian its about how much love we have for Jesus and God at the centre of the heart, and to obey His word. To do so we do not leave sick people to suffer and go without communion, but give it for the sick.

    God and Jesus want the sick and poor people to have commmunion but the church and priest they not doing the right thing what is pleasing to
    Jesus and God.

    The churches do what is good for their own glory they have no faith in Jesus or love the Lord.

    If you ask the church to bring the body of christ. The priest does not do so he IGBONES
    THE SICK AND POOR PEOPLE he won't even do
    do any good deed. The priest enjoys a lavish world tour holidays and his eucharist ministers they eat in the best places and
    rob the poor of their money and give the money to the rich people and to the church.

    This is not the teachings of Jesus to deprive sick people from His body of Christ and
    to practice greed and cause people to suffer and go without the communion on Holy Days.
    As you say in youre dream this has happened in real life.

    How can any priest or church or eucharist minister be saved and get to heaven? But this is not true Gospel of Jesus Christ - Jesus tells me they will be cut off His Kingdom glory.

    Jesus did not tell His Apostles that
    because your a christain or a catholic or because I like you better than that one you
    get communion. No, Jesus did not say that,
    but the church do and the false priests.

    Jesus did not persecute sick and poor people,
    and He gave communion freely for all people .

    Good on you keep up the good work for the Lord Jesus Christ and God.

    Its not good to belong to a church, congregation,its just like a club.

    Th church does work to please Jesus and God.

    God Bless You
