Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Warn the Saints - April 17, 2009

PROPHECY - WARN THE SAINTS, JESUS IS COMING ANY MOMENT, BE READY! Warning to the Saints - April 17th 2009. This is a very urgent message. The Lord Jesus spoke to me twice last night. He woke me up and said: Warn the saints, I am coming. Before that I woke up and the Lord gave me the message below: I judge differently from man. I test the intention of the heart and render to each man according to their deeds. Many people live in uncertainty. They must come to Me. I will tell them about My judgment. They must come so I can cleanse them. Only I can cleanse a person through and through and make them suitable for My kingdom. Not by might, nor by power but by My Spirit all mountains will be removed, but they must come to Me and ask of Me. I answer the prayers of those who come earnestly and cry out to Me. Those who seek Me, find Me. They will not be disappointed. Those who trust in themselves seek glory and honor for themselves. Be separate. Come out from amongst all sinners and those who call themselves by My Name, yet they are workers of iniquity. Be separate unto Me and I will be unto you a Father and you will be unto Me as children. Keep Me before you always in all your ways, wherever you go, whatever you do - I am there! Take a stand, do not compromise. There is only one way, the way of the cross. If a person wishes to come after Me, he must deny himself, pick up his cross daily and follow Me. Every one must make a decision and take a stand if they want to enter My Kingdom. I am warning everybody. I am warning my family. Jesus is coming, He is coming any moment. Be ready! God bless you.


  1. Hi.. The Bible warns us of Fanatics??? Could this be You... Listen to the message that you have posted out... So what happened... Nothing... Yes Jesus will come for evey one of us... When our time is up Jesus has come!!
    God Bless!!

  2. Online, where does the bible warn of fanatics? If you are not a fanatic for Jesus then you don't love Him. If you are lukewarm He will vomit you from His mouth.
    Jesus came to save all the world but at His second coming He is only coming for fanatics.

  3. Yes, I believe Jesus is coming any moment.

    The Lord said, in the blink of an eye everything will change and be transformed.
    He dead will rise and those living will hide
    under rocks and in caves and even those who
    pierced Him they will see Him come in His
    glory. Every eye will see Jesus coming with
    the clounds and He will have with Him a New
    a Jerusalem a New Holy City - He will be the King and reign with His Father God and only
    those who have loved Jesus and God and kept
    His commmandments and the Lord will will
    be able to live in His Kingdom glory.

    Thos who have done good deeds from the heart on
    earth and endure until the end for the Love of
    Jesus and God : and have loved each other and done good deeds and help the sick and poor and
    have gone see people imprisoned and helped their children and families. Thos who love the Lord who helped the less fortunate people and did not carry any prejudice,sin and turned away from sin: they will enter the Kingdom of
    God for the glory of the Lord Jesus Christ,
    and His Father.

    Yes, Jesus is coming soon we must all keep watch.

    See the Revelation of Jesus Christ from St John.

    See the prophet Ezekiel and Book of Daniel, for the comin gof Jesus Christ.


  4. God bless you!!!!

  5. The bible clearly states that Jesus will come after the man of sin (the anti-christ) has been destroying and overcoming the church for 42 months! There is no such thing as a rapture! Only a second coming!

    Our dark hour awaits us soon! The church will soon be tested with fire, to see who "truly" fears God more than man... To see which ones will love their lives more than God.

    The Lord will weed out those that love not their lives even unto death, and will soon separate them from the false followers!

    What will you turn to when the rapture never happens? When God turns this earth over to the destroyers? Where will you hide then, when fear grips your heart so much that you will wish for death, but death will flee from you.

    The false followers of Jesus will feel the sting of the scorpions as they put their mark on the right hands of those that yield.

    No, there is no rapture, as Hal Lindsay made so popular in his book 'the late great planet earth'. But there is a reward for all that endure until the end... to those that by patience and faith cling to the promises of their Lord and Savior - Jesus the Son of the Living God!

  6. @billy h Whatever Jesus does is good. We are in His hands. May He find us faithfully working at His coming. Night is coming, we must work while it is day. For some of us night will come soon, when we die. Our hope is in Jesus but for now, we must do the works that He prepared for us. He is coming and then He will reward every man according to their works.
    May Jesus bless you.
