Monday, June 7, 2010

Draw the line

Word from the Lord for 2010 – Received 12:30 am December 31, 2009

Draw the line, don’t look back. Purge your heart, cleanse your hands, focus your sight on Jesus.
Do not think of the previous things. Close the door on the past. Renew your strength in Christ alone. Make a commitment, don’t be slack. Remove from you all the sources of your temptations. Give the devil no foothold.
Make straight paths for your feet. Prepare the way for Jesus, Lord of lords and King of kings. Crown Him as the King of your life.
Commit yourself to Jesus and you will see His mighty hand in your life. You will see miracles, the unthinkable will happen to you.
Do not look back. Do not be slack but follow Jesus with all your heart.
Look, see, He will clothe you with righteousness. He will put a new ring on your finger and call you: My child.
You will move and walk in His presence and His glory will shine through you.
Commit, be strong in the Lord. Be bold and testify for his Name. Let your light shine.
Do not be left behind in darkness when the door closes and the Bridegroom comes. Be ready every moment, have extra oil in your lamp.
Wait on Him. The King is coming!

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