Tuesday, March 22, 2011

To the sinful Christians -- Prophecy March 22, 2011

To the sinful Christians – Prophecy March 22,2011

I warned you to repent but you loved your fornication with the world. You will perish with the world and you will lose what you thought you had. What I gave you, you spent on your lusts and not on My kingdom. You will follow after your treasures into destruction. You mocked My messengers that I sent you and you ignored them. I will also ignore you in your calamity. As you mocked Me I will mock you who took pleasure in sin and unrighteousness. Your blood is on your own head – you refused correction. Your arrogance will punish you.
Even in this hour I will have mercy on you if you repent from your fornication and call on Me but your heart has been hardened by your deceitfulness.
Woe to you who rejected correction but love the bondage of sin. You will perish with your lust. You preferred your entertainment above Me – Have your fill, enjoy the reward of your labors for pleasure that you chose above Me.
Your hour has come!

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

O Haughty Nation -- Your Time Has Come 3/16/2011

O Haughty Nation – Your Time Has Come 3/16/2011

O haughty nation – I have made you but you think you made Me. What you have, I gave you, yet you did not honor Me. You became great in yourself and you rejected Me. You despise Me and think you can manipulate Me. You think I am your servant.

You worship the works of your own hands and delight yourself in your own greatness. You say: I have grown strong by My own power and I rule the world!

You are an abomination to Me. I will vomit you from My mouth and you will be desolated. Your woes will come on you like a woman in travail. You serve your own lusts and in your arrogance you think you can order Me around.

I have prepared for you a platter that will make you convulse and I will make you drink gall because you have despised Me. You rejected My warnings and despised My messengers – you will not shrug off my retribution. Your haughtiness will punish you.

You will yearn and thirst but your desires will not be quenched. You will pant like a dog because you care more for your dogs than for Me. You will call out to me but I will not hear. You will run to your soothsayers that intoxicated you with the lies that you love to hear.

You did not accept the reproof when I sent it to you. You did not repent of your SELF whom you worship and did not glorify ME who made you. My Name will be honored among all nations but you have made a mockery of Me

Woe to you who glorify yourself and despise your Maker. You will reap the fruit of your desires – what you sowed you will reap.

5”The LORD is righteous within her;
He will do no injustice.
Every morning He brings His justice to light;
He does not fail.
But the unjust knows no shame.
“I have cut off nations;
Their corner towers are in ruins.
I have made their streets desolate,
With no one passing by;
Their cities are laid waste,
Without a man, without an inhabitant.
“I said, ‘Surely you will revere Me,
Accept instruction.’
So her dwelling will not be cut off
According to all that I have appointed concerning her.
But they were eager to corrupt all their deeds.
“Therefore wait for Me,” declares the LORD,
“For the day when I rise up as a witness.
Indeed, My decision is to gather nations,
To assemble kingdoms,
To pour out on them My indignation,
All My burning anger;
For all the earth will be devoured
By the fire of My zeal.
“For then I will give to the peoples purified lips,
That all of them may call on the name of the LORD,
To serve Him shoulder to shoulder.

Who will be safe?
Those who KNOW ME
will be prepared and sheltered
I know to preserve those
who tremble at MY VOICE

Those who disregard Me will perish.

“Seek righteousness, seek humility; perhaps you will be sheltered on the day of the LORD's anger.” Zephaniah 2:3

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Not messed up enough

Many people have no use for Jesus. Others as so messed up, they have come to the end of the road, they are desperate, they need a Savior. Those are ready to seek Jesus and follow Him wit all their hearts. Jesus is ready to help them because He came for the broken. If you are really messed up , come to jesus and He will fix you. He will give you a new beginnning.