Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Not messed up enough

Many people have no use for Jesus. Others as so messed up, they have come to the end of the road, they are desperate, they need a Savior. Those are ready to seek Jesus and follow Him wit all their hearts. Jesus is ready to help them because He came for the broken. If you are really messed up , come to jesus and He will fix you. He will give you a new beginnning.

The Dead Church and Bible MIndset

Being occupied with church and the Bible does not mean that you are serving God. Your mind must be set on Jesus Christ, in a constant relationship with Him, pondering, listening, obeying, getting to know Him better every day. Many believers don't know Jesus and He will one day say to them: Go away I never knew you. Do you know Jesus? Does Jesus know you? Is your mind set on Christ?

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

The ears will ring - Prophecy 12/28/2010

Today is December 28, 2010.
I received a message from the Lord Jesus which I wrote down and which I want to share with you.
"Look I do a new thing, a thing that will make the ears ring
.I Create a new earth and new Heavens in which RIGHTEOUSNESS shall reign. All the nations will honor Me, they will know that I am Lord. Mountains bow down and rivers rejoice.
Look, I make all things new,
the old has passed away,
righteousness will reign.
The mighty men will be ashamed as I bring them low,
the arrogant and the proud.
The humble shall see Me and be glad
they will rejoice themselves in great peace
NO PEACE for the wicked
There is a future for the man of peace
the one who fears Me and bows down before Me
I will pass by the arrogant, the hypocrite and the mocker
those who trust in themselves.
They will be sorely disappointed,they will grope in darkness
because they rejected the Light. I will EXALT the HUMBLE who walk in My Ways
their peace shall be great.
No peace for the wicked, the sinners, no peace!

Walk in truth not in lies.

Those who reject the truth will be in darkness.
Those who seek Me will find Me.
Those who reject Me will perish.
Trust not in your own understanding
but seek Me and I will guide you.
I will manifest Myself through those who serve Me in humility and truth."
That is the end of the message
May Jesus bless you.